
a- 前缀表示negation或absense

  • Atypical: Not typical or usual.
  • Apathy: Lack of feeling or emotion.
  • Asexual: Not sexually attracted to anyone.
  • Amoral: Lacking a sense of right or wrong.
  • Apolitical: Not interested in politics.
  • Asocial: Disliking or not enjoying social interaction.
  • Asymmetrical: Not symmetrical or balanced.
  • Atheist: A person who does not believe in God.
  • Abiotic: Not living or organic.
  • Abnormal: Not normal or usual.
  • async:异步,跟sync,同步相对。


  • 我们都熟悉的南无阿弥陀佛,也叫做无量光佛,अमिताभ,Amitābha,来自词根Amita,a是否定前缀,mita是测量mā的过去分词(跟英文的measure也是同源),合起来就是“无量”。后缀 ābha 是“光”的意思,Amitābha即无量光。后缀 āyus 是“寿命”,Amitāyus即无量寿佛。
  • 阿育王,也称无忧王,Aśoka,来自Sanskrit的अशोक,अ(a)表示否定,शोक (śoka)表示grief,合起来就是without grief,所以叫无忧王