


  • 公元前1200年到公元前400:奥尔梅克文明Olmeca。特点是巨石头像。通常认为奥尔梅克文明是玛雅、萨波特克(Zapoteca)、提奥提华坎(Teotihuacan)等文明的母体。
  • 约前100年-550年:提奥提华坎(Teotihuacan),这个名字是后来说Nahuatl的阿兹特克人取的,大概的意思是birthplace of the gods。
  • 约250年–1697年:玛雅Maya
  • 约674年-约1122年:托尔特克帝国 Toltec Empire
  • 1325年–1521年:阿兹特克Aztec
  • 1521年–1821年:西班牙殖民时代,新西班牙总督辖区
  • 1810年-1821年:墨西哥独立战争Mexican War of Independence,墨西哥人民与西班牙殖民当局之间爆发的一系列武装冲突
  • 1821年-1823年:墨西哥第一帝国,自新西班牙独立。
    • 1821年独立成墨西哥第一帝国,该帝国解体后成为今日的墨西哥和中美洲。
    • 1823年,帝国由于内部矛盾而解体,军队推翻帝制,建立墨西哥共和国
  • 1823年—1835年:墨西哥第一共和国/墨西哥合众国,推翻了帝制。以天主教为唯一国教。
  • 1835年–1846年:墨西哥中央集权主义共和国 Centralist Republic of Mexico
    • 1838年至1839年间,法国第一次入侵墨西哥,名为糕点战争,以法国胜利告终。
  • 1846年–1863年:墨西哥第二共和国 Second Federal Republic of Mexico
    • 1846-1848:美墨战争,Mexican–American War。
    • 1857-1861:三年改革战争,Guerra de Reforma。自由派想要建立一个墨西哥联邦,保守派则希望建立一个中央集权的政府。最终自由派胜利。
  • 1861年-1867年:法墨战争。法兰西第二帝国远征军入侵墨西哥。
    • 1862年五月五日:Battle of Puebla,墨西哥打败法国。
    • 1864年-1867年:墨西哥第二帝国Second Mexican Empire,回到帝制。
    • 1867年处决了马西米连诺一世,恢复民主制度
  • 1867年-1876年:共和复辟 Restored Republic
  • 1876年–1911年:总统波菲里奥·迪亚斯Porfirio Díaz 长期独裁统治
  • 1910年-1920年:墨西哥革命 Mexican Revolution

1521–1821 新西班牙


新西班牙总督辖区(西班牙语:Virreinato de Nueva España IPA:[birei̯ˈnato ðe ˈnweβa esˈpaɲa]),是西班牙帝国管理北美洲和菲律宾的殖民地总督辖地,首府位于墨西哥城。新西班牙总督的管辖范围包含今墨西哥、中美洲(除巴拿马)、美国加利福尼亚州、内华达州、犹他州、科罗拉多州、亚利桑那州、新墨西哥州、得克萨斯州、今日加拿大英属哥伦比亚的西南部,加上危地马拉都督府(包括今日的危地马拉、墨西哥恰帕斯州、伯利兹、哥斯达黎加、萨尔瓦多、洪都拉斯、尼加拉瓜)和古巴都督府(包含今日的古巴、墨西哥恰帕斯州、伯利兹、多米尼加、特立尼达和多巴哥、波多黎各和瓜地洛普),以及亚洲的菲律宾都督府(包含今日的菲律宾、关岛、加罗林群岛、马里亚纳群岛、西属艾尔摩莎和德那第苏丹国)。



1864-1867 第二帝国 Second Mexican Empire







  • Guadalajara被称为墨西哥的硅谷"Silicon Valley of Mexico". 生产软件和电子零组件。
  • Guadalajara Cathedral, the Teatro Degollado, the Templo Expiatorio,
  • Hospicio Cabañas卡巴纳医院,世界遗产。
  • San Juan de Dios Market—the largest indoor market in Latin America
  • If you fly with VivaAerobus, you can buy airport bus to the new bus station (Nueva Central Camionera). The ticket must be purchased in advance, and cannot be bought after you arrive in Guadalajara airport.
  • 西北部的小镇Tequila,是龙舌兰酒的发源地。
    • 世界遗产:Agave Landscape and Ancient Industrial Facilities of Tequila


  • Guadalajara light rail, operated by SITEUR, 3 lines.
  • Macrobus: BRT


Tijuana被认为是caeser salad的发源地。

Tijuana 这个名字来自 Tia Juana (Aunt Juana)。


  • Ensenada means "cove", smaller than "bay"(bahía).
  • On the coastline of Bahía de Todos Santos(Todos = all, Santos = Saints)
  • 3rd largest city in Baja California after Tijuana and Mexicali. Baja means "low"
  • Only 78 miles south of San Diego.
  • Known as La Cenicienta del Pacífico("The Cinderella of the Pacific")
  • Close to the wine region Valle de Guadalupe.
  • Competing with LA(Los Angeles) and LB(Long Beach) on container ships
  • A popular port-of-call for major cruise lines, especially the ones from US west coast(San Francisco, Los Angeles, Long Beach)
  • Ensenada 被认为是fish taco的发源地。

Riviera De Ensenada


Previously named Hotel Riviera del Pacífico, opened in 1930 and closed in 1964. Reopened in 1978 as Centro Social, Cívico y Cultural de Ensenada.

Museo de Historia(Museum of History) is part of it.

Museo Histórico Regional

A regional history mesuem about Baja California.

Plaza Civica Y Bandera Monumental

Civic plaza with 3 Mexico heroes: Miguel Hidalgo, Venustiano Carranza and Benito Juarez.

Spanish words: bandera = flag

Calle Primera(First Street) a.k.a. La Primera or Avenida López Mateos

A very touristy street, with hotels, cafes, gift shops.

  • Fish Market
  • Hussong's Cantina(in Ruiz Street at the end of First Street)
  • Papas & Beer


  • oaxaca wood carving
  • Monte Albán which is one of the most preserved and astonishing pre-hispanic cities in Mexico. It is located 6 miles away from the state’s capital Oaxaca City. Unlike many other cities, temples, and ceremonial places that were destroyed during the Spanish Conquest, Monte Albán was left intact because it was buried by mud, dust and natural formations beneath the greenery of this area.
  • Mezcal: Often described as a ‘smoky tequila’, not many people realise that that Tequila is actually a type of Mezcal.
    • On a simplistic basis, all that separates these two spirits is the point of manufacture (Mezcal has to be made in the state of Oaxaca). In reality, however, there is much more to it. Tequila is made solely from Agave Tequilana, more commonly referred to as Blue Agave. Mezcal though can be made from over 100 types of Agave which allows for a great variety in flavour.
    • A key part of making Mezcal is smoking the agave in a big pit in the ground. It’s this process that gives Mezcal its unique smoky taste.
  • Hierve el agua which is a set of cliffs and rock formations in the shape of petrified falls. Located 43 miles east of Oaxaca City, it became popular because of its natural swimming pools at the top. They are perfect for bathing and relaxing and have a marvellous view of the valley and mountains.
  • Aside from Día de Muertos (Day of the Dead in English), one of the most vibrant celebrations worth experiencing is the Guelaguetza. This folkloric Oaxacan dancing festivity brings together the 7 regions of Oaxaca state. They perform a succession of vibrant, multicoloured dances with offerings which they give to the crowd after the acts.


Parque de la Marimba, Chiapas

Marimba: originated from sub-Saharan Africa. Popular in southern Mexico and Central America

In 1821, the marimba was proclaimed the national instrument of Guatemala in its independence proclamation.

Marimba music has been listed on UNESCO as an intangible part of Colombian culture.

Corazón de Jesús Borras Moreno, the inventor de la Marimba de Doble Tecladura o Marimba cuache, was Born in 1877 in Chiapas.

In 1892, Mexican musician Corazón de Jesús Borras Moreno expanded marimba to include the chromatic scale by adding another row of sound bars, akin to black keys on the piano.

Compared to the xylophone, the timbre of the marimba is warmer, deeper, more resonant, and more pure. It also tends to have a lower range than that of a xylophone.


There are seven buildings in Loreto from the 18th to the 20th century that are considered historical monuments by the federal government; the most important is the Mission of our Lady of Loreto, which is at the start of "the royal road" (“el camino real”), an historic corridor that follows north along the ancient route of the Spanish missions, to its ending in Sonoma, California, USA


Maximilian I of Mexico

6 July 1832 – 19 June 1867


Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla




淡水上的小型人造岛,用做农业。Chinampan是墨西哥谷地(Valley of Mexico)西南区域,即Xochimilco,的古称。这种农业形式主要在那个区域。


也被称作Feathered Serpent / Plumed serpent,中文翻译成羽蛇神。是阿兹特克,玛雅等文明里的神。名字来自Nahuatl的单词quetzalli,表示“tail feather of the quetzal bird”,和coatl,表示“snake”。所以它是蛇和鸟的结合。类似的形象最早出现在奥尔梅克文明中。

Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe 瓜达卢佩圣母

英文叫Our Lady of Guadalupe或Virgin of Guadalupe。罗马天主教为圣母玛丽亚封的头衔,指的是在墨西哥一圣母画像显灵中的圣母。


Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia. 墨西哥国家文物总局,负责墨西哥考古学、人类学、历史学和古生物学方面的工作。




墨西哥通常让人联想起黑帮和贩毒。但墨西哥并不是全境都不安全。可以参考美国的Mexico Travel Advisory



  • Mexico city
  • Guadalajara
  • Monterrey


  • Cancun
  • Puerto Vallarta
  • San Jose Del Cabo


Type A/B, 和美国一样。


  • cinco de mayo:与华裔美国人的春节、爱尔兰裔美国人的圣帕特里克节、德裔美国人的十月节一样,五月五日节是墨西哥裔美国人的代表性节日。