

7 月 12 日在荷兰海牙的常设仲裁法院正式宣布了对菲律宾南海仲裁案的裁决决定。最后结果就是仲裁法院全面否定了中国长期坚持的“九段线”内对南海海域和岛礁拥有的历史权利,并几乎全盘认同了菲律宾方面提出的各项诉求。 这件事不管是对于我们国人还是世界,都是一件非常重大的和令人震惊的消息。我们特地收集了一些对于这则新闻的外媒报道,还整理了一些相关的关键词,让大家对这件事的英文版本有个了解。

来自 NBC news 的消息:

In the hours ahead of the ruling, #SouthChinaSeaArbitration was the top trending topic on Weibo with well over 100 million views.

The case was filed in 2013, after China seized Scarborough Shoal, a reef 150 miles off the Philippines that is claimed by both countries.

An international tribunal delivered a searing rebuke to China on Tuesday, ruling that the country has no legal basis to declare historical rights in the South China Sea.

Nothing in Tuesday's ruling went in China's favor. The tribunal condemned China for its large-scale land reclamation, aggressive tactics with fishermen and for causing irreparable damage to marine ecosystems with the construction of artificial islands.

南海仲裁的裁决公布后,菲律宾举国欢腾,还根据前段时间的热门话题"Brexit"(可回复关键词"脱欧"查看详情),制造出了新词"Chexit"——"China exit":
Filipinos took to the streets Tuesday to claim the result as a victory. For days the hashtag #Chexit has made the rounds on social media, meaning China should exit what Filipinos see as their territorial waters.

天朝对此裁决结果当然不接受了: China Xinhua News:

NULL, VOID, NO BINDING FORCE. China neither accepts nor recognizes award of #SouthChinaSea arbitration


Manila welcomed the decision but also urged "restraint". The current government is not the same regime that filed the case in 2013, and the new president, Rodrigo Duterte, has expressed interest in attracting Chinese investment....it is unclear how far the current Philippine government will go to enforce the ruling.

最后来看一下曾经作为邓爷爷口译官的国际事务分析师 Victor Gao 对于南海领权的霸气回应:

"China is telling the United States the days when China could be bullied are forever over, If the United States can send its warships to the South China Sea, China can do the same — sending them to the Caribbean and to the Gulf of Mexico and to the offshore areas in California. If the United States does not believe that, wait until it happens and it'll be too late."


  • South China Sea: 中国南海
  • South China Sea Ruling / Arbitration / Verdict: 南海仲裁
  • ruling, arbitration, verdict 三个词都有”仲裁、判定”的意思
  • Permanent Court of Arbitration / PCA: 常设仲裁法院,本次仲裁的法院

United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea / UNCLOS: 联合国海洋法公约,仲裁指责中国违反了此公约 另一个表示”条约、公约”的词 treaty

  • Shoal: 浅滩

  • Scarborough Shoal: 斯卡伯勒浅滩,也就是黄岩岛,南海诸岛之一

  • tribunal: 法庭

  • court: 常见的法庭

Tribunal 和 court 两者有很多不同,这里只说一点:tribunal 是没有强制执行力的,只是对争执做一个判断和仲裁

  • "nine-dash line": 九段线

  • sovereignty: 主权

  • claim sovereignty: 宣称主权

  • rebuke: 批评、斥责

  • marine: 海上的

  • marine ecosystem: 海洋生态系统

  • artificial: 人造的

  • artificial islands: 人工造岛

  • award: 奖励,对某件事情的认可