

最近 Pokémon Go 这款游戏可以说是红遍世界,虽然现在还只有在美国、澳大利亚、新西兰可以愉快的玩耍,其它很多国家地区或是服务器挂了,或是还没正式上线,不过以这款游戏的火爆程度,相信过不久这些问题都会解决的。今天这一篇我们带大家来了解一下这款游戏。

刚开始听说这款游戏的时候,还不知道 Pokémon 是什么,查了一下才恍然大悟,原来就是小时候看的动画片”神奇宝贝”,它的原版名称就叫 Pokémon 或 Pocket Monster, 也就是口袋妖怪。所有人都超级喜欢里面那只平时呆呆萌萌,一言不合就放电秀绝招的皮卡丘。既能当萌宠,关键时刻又会变身保镖,还能随时收进球里打包带走,宝贝们简直不要太完美呀!

这款由”The Pokémon Company”和”Niantic”合作推出的游戏 Pokémon Go,一上线就火遍应用商城,也是人们谈论最多的话题:

Pokémon Go has quickly become one of the most viral mobile applications of all time. The game is now the biggest ever in the U.S.; it has now topped Twitter’s daily users, and it sees people spending more time in its app than in Facebook, according to reports from various tracking firms. (From TechCrunch) Pokémon Go 已经迅速成为有史以来传播最快的手机应用。这款游戏现在已经是美国第一游戏,据多方报告称,它的每日用户数已经超过推特,而且人们在这个 app 上所花费的时间比在脸书上还多。

这么火爆的游戏是怎么玩的呢? From Tech Insider

"Pokémon GO" is an augmented reality game that relies heavily on your phone's GPS and camera to work.
"Pokémon GO"是一个增强现实的游戏,它很大程度上依赖于手机的 GPS 和相机功能。

As you walk around your city, you'll see something that resembles Google Maps, but with your own avatar strutting around.

The map is populated with three types of icons: PokéStops, Gyms, and the Pokémon themselves.
PokéStops are like pit stops, where you will find items that you need to catch Pokémon. They're linked to real-world locations, like statues and museums.
这个地图上有三种图标:Poké 站,健身房,以及神奇宝贝们。Poké 站就好像赛车的服务站,在那里你可以找到一些用来抓宝贝的道具,它们与现实世界的一些地点对应,比如雕像、博物馆。

You need to be level 5 in order to access Gyms, which let you battle other players.
你需要达到 5 级才能进入健身房,在那你可以和其它玩家对决。

Keep an eye out on your map as you walk around. When you get close to a Pokémon, it will pop up on your map. After tapping the Pokémon on the map, you'll have a chance to catch it.

You can choose to spend real-world money on items, but it's easy to stay stocked up on everything you need by just visiting PokéStops.
你可以选择花钱购买道具,不过到 Poké 站去收集你需要的东西是很容易的。

这个游戏我刚玩两天,最大的感触就是突然发现外面多了好多人,尤其是有 PokéStop 的地方...游戏本身也确实有创新性,当一个神奇宝贝出现在你前面时,你会觉得发现了另一个世界的东西,放下手机,那只是一片草地,拿起手机,居然有只萌宠在上面蹦跶,换成是你,你不想拿起球收了它么?